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Suzhou Doctor Pump Co.,Ltd

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自从 2021




Hello. Welcome to Suzhou Doctor Pump Co.,Ltd. So glad you're here. In 1958, we started to manufacture water pumps. In 1969, we designed two stage liquid ring vacuum pumps 2SK series. In 1986, we designed single stage monoblock liquid ring vacuum pumps, they are widely used for medical and pharmaceutical industry, food and beverage machine, textile industry etc. In 1995, we designed single stage rotary vane vacuum pumps XD series, they are similar with Busch vacuum pumps. Also we designed two stage belt driven rotary vane vacuum pumps 2X series. In 1998, we designed liquid ring vacuum pumps for plastic and rubber machinery. In 2002, we gained almost 80% plastic industry market. In 1998, we designed roots vacuum pumps. In 2009, we designed two stage rotary vane vacuum pumps 2XZ series. In the same year, we started to manufacture motors (power less than 15kw) to fit our pumps. We did this because we found that the motors we bought from other company quality is not good and power is not sufficient. Now our motors (with power less than 15kw) are all made by ourselves. In 2012, we designed liquid ring vacuum pumps for EPS foam machinery. We would equip anti-cavitation valve and overflow valve in the pump. When pump reaches max vacuum degree, sometimes it has abnormal noise, open the anti-cavitation valve, the air inside pump will be out and the noise will get better. Also in EPS industry, the pump need to stop and re-start several times, but this will have bad influence for the impeller and motor, because if there is water inside pump, motor current is too big when re-starting the pump. But when you stop our pumps, you can open the overflow valve, so the water inside pump can be drained out completely. In 2014, we designed screw vacuum pumps. Pump is different from other stuff we buy. Most pump is big and bulky. Shipping pump is expensive. So if pump quality is not good,it will waste you so much time and money. So we’re doing something different in Doctor Pump Company. Our pumps are built to last. We recommend only most suitable pump for your project. If there’s a problem with our pump, we’ll gladly work with you to repair the item, exchange it, or get you a replacement. Find what you need, and you can speak to one of our sales person or order it online. Thanks again for stopping by Suzhou Doctor Pump Co.,Ltd,we wish you a happy day.


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Suzhou Doctor Pump Co.,Ltd

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200K - 500K


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  • Industry / Manufacturer
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  • 真空泵
  • 水泵
  • 离心泵
  • 罗茨泵
  • 增压泵
  • 水环真空泵
  • 油泵
  • 旋片泵
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  • icone de usuario Helen ********
  • icone de telefone +86 1********
  • map-marker Shanghai / Shanghai | 中国

